Contact Lens Stuck at Bottom of Vial: Use Lukewarm Water / Hot Water

Contact Lens Stuck at Bottom of Vial

Use Lukewarm Water / Hot Water

Contact Lens Stuck at Bottom of Vial: Use Lukewarm Water / Hot Water

Korean contact lenses are sold in cute little vials and each lens is in its own bottle to make sure that these fragile accessories won’t stick to each other. Lenses are also offered in independent vials to make sure that they won’t be damaged by hitting each other when they travel across the world after leaving Korea to be distributed in Europe or in USA.

Korean lenses are very safe floating in their own vial but it can happen that when a vial does not move for several days or months that the contact lens sticks at the bottom of the vial.

What can you do when a contact lens is stuck at the bottom of its vial and is it dangerous to wear a contact lens that is stuck at the bottom of the vial ?

Contact Lens Stuck at Bottom of Vial: Use Lukewarm Water / Hot Water

When a contact lens is stuck at the bottom of the vial you should first try to shake the vial gently to unstick the lens from the glass of the vial. It often happen that by shaking the vial the lens will start floating again and that you do not need to do anything else to be able to wear your contact lens.

If the lens doesn’t move when you move the vial another solution is to use lukewarm water. You will need to put the vial a few minutes in lukewarm water and the easiest way is to use a microwave to warm the water that you have put in a glass. When the water is warm (but not too hot) just put the unopened vial in the glass full of water and wait a few minutes.

Usually the lens will unstick from the vial glass but if it’s not the case you should now be able to unstick it by shaking the vial gently again.

Now that your contact lens is floating in its flask again you can clean it with your multi-solution and soak it overnight.


But you might wonder if it is safe to wear a contact lens that was stuck at the bottom of it’s vial ?

It is usually safe to wear a contact lens that was stuck if this lens is not damaged, so before putting this lens in your eye you should check it thoroughly to make sure that it is not ripped and that its surface seems perfectly smooth as the one of the other lens that was not stuck in its vial. Compare the two lenses to be sure that they are similar.

If you have any doubt about the contact lens that was stuck please send us a very clear photo and we will check it to confirm that you can wear your lens.

In most cases you will be able to wear a color lens that was stuck in its vial and you won’t see any difference because a lens stuck to it’s vial glass is usually not damaged, but it could happen that a lens was stuck to the glass for different reasons and that this lens had defects, so, as always, make sure to check your items very closely before you put them into your eyes.

Contact Lens Stuck at Bottom of Vial: Use Lukewarm Water / Hot Water