How to Take Care of Korean Circle Lenses

How do I take care of my circle lenses ?

How to wear circle lens without risk ?



Hygiene is the most importat word when talking about contact lenses, corrective lenses or cosmetic lenses.

The first thing to do to take care of your contact lenses is to wear them only a maximum of 8 hours at a time, and always keep them in a clean contact lens case with lens solution when you are not wearing them.

It is also very important that you wash your both hands with soap and rinse them very well with clear water before you touch your contact lenses to insert and remove them, and avoid handling your contacts for any other reason as showing them to your friends. Better let them look into your eyes. 

The risk if you don’t clean you hands and your contact lenses very well is to get debris or harmful substances in your eyes which can lead to irritation and even blindness for the worst cases.

So you must remember to always wash your hands and rub your fingers with multi-purpose contact lens solution every time when you want to put your colors lenses in your eyes or take them off a the end of the day. This is the only way to avoid any infection or trouble. 

Always clean your circle lenses before and after you wear them, with multi-purpose contact lens solution only, and store them in a clean contact lens case soaked with solution as it is explained on our blog.

For more information about cleaning and soaking contact lenses please read our Korean lens care blog.