Review of Dueba Barbie Tony in Gray
These are the most amazingly perfect and beautiful and stunning lenses I have ever owned!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I purchased them from
First of all, they actually show up on my dark brown eyes:
The color is a light steel blue. Under some light sources, it looks more gray/silver.
Second, they show up in any and all conditions: Flash photography, natural light, dim light, from a distance, and up close.
Now there are many contacts out there which can be seen on dark eyes, from a distance, and in dim lighting. What makes these so amazing is that the lenses manage to look completely natural regardless of how closely you look at them. The pixellation can only be seen in very high-definition photos taken with flash, and even then, you have to zoom in quite a lot.
Because the pigment fades into the pupil with a delicate feathering effect, the natural iris color simply looks like a natural starburst.
These lenses are also my first pair of lenses that required no time to adjust to them. I was able to pop them in and immediately continue about my day.
So, to sum up my opinion on these lenses:
Color: 10/10
Design: 100/10 (<= thats not a typo, these literally have the most phenomenal design everrrrrrr)
Enlargment: N/A
Comfort: 10/10 10/10
Overall: 10/10