Joker Smile Trend in South Korea

Joker Smile Trend in South Korea


If you think that you have already heard everything about plastic surgery, you are certainly wrong.

In South-Korea, there is a new trendy plastic surgery called “joker smile”. The concept is to get a permanent smile, the surgery consist in two small incisions at the corners of the lips. This smile is also called “Smile Lips”, “Lips” is the mix between “Lip” and “Lift”. This surgery start to be a real phenomenon.




Lift the corner of the mouth


The Korean clinic makes two incisions in the corners of the lips to lift them up permanently, a bit like the Joker’s smile. The Australian website Business Insider explains that this surgery is perfect for patient with asymmetrical or falling mouth. This surgery is now something trendy and usual in Korea, but it is often mocked by other countries as Joker like face. You can find a video online explaining every steps and showing you the result of the surgery. The video is like a commercial from shopping TV channel, very instructive.




Who is responsible for this new freaky trend ?


The AONE clinic in South Korea, is specialized in this kind of plastic surgery. According to the Huffington Post, South Korea is the country where people use plastic surgery the most. One woman on five already had recourse to plastic surgery.

When rhinoplasty and other eyelid surgery are common, remodeling a smile is subject to controversy. The best way to smile is surely when you decide to, it is an econnomical solution and less scary.

This plastic surgery supposed to give a smile 100% of the time can make the opposite effect, scare people and give them goose bumps instead…