Best Genuine Contact Lens Shop Supplier

Best Genuine Contact Lens Shop Supplier




Dear customers and visitors,

You like concurrence and appreciate to find on your favorite contact lenses at the best price compared to any other online shop.

We are also very happy to be able to offer the best quality of authentic Korean contact lenses at the best price, but it seems that not everybody appreciates it.

We have received messages from our loyal customers telling us that some people have been paid to publish wrong information and lies about our shop and service, so we want to make it clear:

– we sell only genuine color lenses from Geo, Dueba and Vassen manufacturers

– our contact lenses come with different label and packaging because we are buying our products from suppliers located in different countries and these products, all authentic, are sold by the manufacturers with different packaging depending on each country

– we sell color lenses that might not be available on other shops in your country because we buy them from official Geo, Dueba and Vassen suppliers abroad

– we offer the best prices available online for Korean lenses because we are honest and respect our customers, so our prices are as low as it is possible, which is not often the case with other shops

Thank you again for your trust and we hope to be your favorite contact lens shop as long as you will be wearing color lenses.

If you have any question about our products or shop please contact customer service.