Is it Risky to Wear Color Contact Lenses

Is it Risky to Wear Color Contact Lenses?


Contact lenses are used by hundreds millions people around the world without having issues or being a risk for their eyes. The few problems encountered by consumers are linked to a lack of hygiene and care for their circle lenses.
Did you already wonder if you are taking good care of your circle lenses and your eyes?

To reply and give you an answer, please join the following quiz:


1. Do you sleep with your circle lenses?
a- Sometimes
b- Never
c- Always


2. Do you wear your contact lenses more than 10 hours per day?
a- Sometimes
b- Never
c- Always


3. Do you disinfect and moisturize your color lenses daily?
a- Sometimes
b- Never
c- Always


4. Do you wear your contact lenses after they are expired?
a- Sometimes
b- Never
c- Always


5. Do you use alternative solutions to disinfect your color lenses if you have no choice?
a- Rarely
b- Only in case of emergency
c- Very often


6. Did you re-used your Korean lenses after they have dried?
a- Exceptionally
b- Never
c- Regularly


7. Do you always wash and dry your hands before manipulating your contact lenses?
a. Sometimes
b. Always
c. Never


8. Do you change your color lens case every 3 months?
a. Sometimes
b. Always
c. Never


9. Do you let your friends try on your contact lenses?
a. Sometimes
b. Always
c. Never


10. Have you already worn contact lenses after they have dropped on the floor?

a. Yes but only after having cleaned them
b. No, my eyes worth more than $20, so I prefer to throw them away
c. I have tried once to see if I could do it



If you have only “b” replies don’t change anything, this is perfect. Your are careful and cautious with your eyes. Nothing bad can happen to you and your eyes.

If you have most of “b” and few “a” it means that sometimes you take some risks. You have to correct these bad habits to perfectly care your eyes and lenses.

If you have few “c” it means that you take huge risks and play with your eyes health, you have to change your attitude and respect cautiously the basic rules of hygiene otherwise your eyes are in danger. Contact lenses never are a problem, wearers with bad habits always are.